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Amy Lynn

Faith and Tech Bytes with Amy Lynn

I have a unique way of looking at things and I'd like to share that view with you. I believe technology and faith have a lot in common and I can teach both at the same time during one little byte. Join me today and find out how. I'm a strong Christian and have been sharing my faith since being saved in 1993. You can read my personal testimony here: http://www.amylynn.org/testimony I'm a computer geek, programming since the age of seven so I have a lot of things to share. All my businesses are lead by God. My very core has always been my faith. It's why I was so excited when he gave me the guidance to do the podcast "Faith and Tech Bytes with Amy Lynn." Be sure to Like, Subscribe, and Follow to our social media channels: https://www.facebook.com/AmyLynnsVoiceOvers https://twitter.com/amylynnorg https://thevoiceofamylynn.wordpress.com https://www.youtube.com/AmyLynnOrg Visit our website at: http://www.amylynn.org

Amy Lynn

Faith and Tech Bytes with Amy Lynn


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Cleaning Up

The new year everyone tries to start it off right. But while you are focusing on either your mental health, or your physical appearance don't forget about the well-being of your technology and spir...

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Combination Show 2

This is a combination of shows: Everything is Going to Let You Down Everything Old is New Again Why Does Every Victory Come with a Price People Pleaser Perfectly Imperfect Say What? Change is Hard ...

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Getting Organized

Getting yourself organized is a lot easier with tech than you think.  It takes determination and disciple to be organized. It doesn't "just happen." But technology can help you set schedules and ti...

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Is That Really You?

Long before we had caller ID on our phones we had to take our chances that the person calling was who they said they were.  And long before we had email, everyone use to snail mail. We would have t...

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Who's The Boss?

Many feel that technology slows them down. This could be because they are allowing tech to become a distraction, instead of them controlling the technology. No one has to answer the phone or the te...

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Some places seem to think people don't have lives, a family, or a business that they maintain. Let's just drop more on your "to do list." This is about boundaries. This is about respecting those bo...

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Change Is Hard

Chrome browser recently did an update and I wrote about how to fix it in my blog. Adjusting after all these years to a strange icon can be very hard to do. Change is hard but it doesn't have to be ...

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Say What?

Have you ever had a friend who spoke to you more about their friends than sharing anything about themselves? The simple fact is if they are talking about someone else, they are most certainty talki...

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Perfectly Imperfect

No one is perfect and nothing we do is perfect.  The bible teaches us that perfection is rooted in pride. In our daily lives and jobs we may try to strive for perfection. But even computers aren't ...

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People Pleaser

Being a people pleaser can really weigh on a person. Being forced to be the person who always has to apologize even when you aren't wrong is a sign you are in a unhealthy relationship. If the other...