Are you ready for Humans 2.0? Whether you like it or not—this is happening. From transhumanism to AI, science and technology are progressing at a pace unprecedented in human history and this rate o...
What was the 5th leading cause of death in Canada in 2023? Shockingly, it was medical assistance in dying (MAiD) and accounted for one out of every twenty deaths. Unfortunately, Canada is not an an...
This year was a reminder of the ephemeral reality of our earthly experience. Last Christmas we sent out a Christmas card featuring a joyful photo of Hank from a trip to India—a trip with his dear F...
Once again you and I find ourselves perched on the eve of the annual Christmas day celebration. And as such, we do well to remember our Lord’s words concerning the reason He condescended to cloak H...
I am five years removed from a stem-cell transplant that saved my life. And seven years removed from an initial cancer diagnosis of stage four mantle cell lymphoma. I greet you with a heart of grat...
What does Hank Hanegraaff mean when he talks about the "Paradisiacal Transformation of the Cosmos?" It is a message with a mandate—a reminder of the energy by which we are able to transform the cos...
A rock star, atheist, Marxist, world-class theologian, African missionary, and a Greek Orthodox Bishop all in one lifetime? Hank Hanegraaff is joined by Bishop Themi—a personal hero of his and a be...
Is earth a privileged planet or merely an insignificant speck of soil aimlessly adrift in a meaningless universe? Evidence refutes the principle of mediocrity—demonstrating that our earth is singul...
Other than Scripture, Darwin’s magnum opus, The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, might be the most significant literary work in history. light of the unprecedented impact of Darwini...
The people of Palestine are caught in the crosshairs of the only significant religious system in the history of the human race with a sociopolitical structure of laws that mandate violence against ...